Bittersweet 3
The session was great to say the least. His warm brown eyes took me in, empathetic, quietly absorbing and I found myself wanting to drown in them forever My whole life story poured out. I was the first girl child that had survived, three had been lost as still births. One would have thought that since I had survived, the very first child to have lived, I would have been much loved, but, the reverse was the case. My mother took one look at my brown wrinkled face and decided I wasn’t to be the recipient of her affections, simply because I looked like her wicked mother in law, who was then deceased. I suffered many things because of my resemblance to my father’s mother. I could recall when I had issues with bedwetting. Mother would beat me severely but I noticed she went easy on my younger sister. Once, she put my school uniform under my mat and I urinated on it. She forced me to wear it to school. Oh how ashamed and embarrassed I was. The other kids ran after me mocking me calling me a b...