An Ace Up My Cuff 4

Ibrahim would flirt with anything in skirts. No one was sacred to him. At a stage, friends started warning me about his exploits, but I wouldn’t listen. I was too much in love and too determined to get married to him, to listen. Yes, my dream man had issues, who doesn’t?
It was when I caught him in bed with my friend, my supposed bestie that I really, really felt let down. And I started asking myself, if it and he, was worth it.
Whilst I was still contemplating pulling out, I discovered  that I was already pregnant. There could be no going back for me. I told him, I was pregnant and he laughed.
‘ So, why are you telling me?’
For the first time in my very adult life, I was speechlessly speechless
‘ It’s our baby, your child, our love child, I’m carrying' I managed to stutter
He laughed even harder, if I were light skinned, one would have seen me blushing furiously in embarrassment and anger.
‘ Iquo, we never talked marriage. I’m not ready to settle, not now when there are still many beautiful ladies, yet unexplored!’ he replied winking at me
‘ I’m expecting your baby, I cannot have an illegitimate child. We need to get married, fast'
‘ My dear, please do the needful by getting rid of the thing. I’m not getting married and even if I were, it would most certainly not be to you!’
I wince. I am no stranger to abortions, but I had been warned by my Gynaecologist that any attempt to carry out another, would see me childless forever as my womb was already having issues. No way I was gonna fill him in on the gory details!
‘ Babes, I know you, I know your unchequered past, I know you wella. Don’t come and be forming I cannot do evacuation for me!’
I refused to be intimidated, after all no one is a saint!
I decided to da si rough( become antagonistic).
‘ Ibrahim, you’re talking gibberish, this baby isn’t going to be evacuated. We are going to get married, whether you like it or not. You’re no saint yourself!’
He laughed even harder and walked  out on me. I told myself, I had nothing to lose and everything to gain. He would be my husband, even if I had to drag him to the altar!
I wiped away my tears of frustration and put on my thinking cap.Whatever it is I want, I always, always get as long as I put my mind to it…..

To be continued.


  1. It is getting deeper and I can't ask for less. May your pen never lack ink!

  2. The lady has already handwriting on the wall but she defused to heed the warning. Her case is not love but list. Many don't have good understanding of Love. It is far deeper than feeling . feelings change with time. The lady was madly in LUST.

  3. What a world we live in nowadays, treachery everywhere!

  4. Ha! This is serious o! But marriage is not by force. She should just pray God opens the eyes of Ibrahim and let him see the beauty of the great gift God has given him. But on the other side, Iquo did not try o. She was warned ahead of the kinda man Ibrahim was but strong head no gree her see road. All Join sha!

  5. Love is till deart do us part so no matter the different experience all they need is ask for God's grace to keep loving each other, note that love is selflessness May God help us all


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