Itohan 2
I think it is intrinsic in human nature to be discontent, at least at some point. We crave for something or a particular height, we get it or get there and briefly feel fulfilled, but then the demon of discontentment comes knocking at the door of our heart, a new yearning comes up. The yearnings are never, ever ending. It is in a continuum. Maybe I should have tried to take my heart away from being discontent. Maybe I should have tried to make myself happier. It is too late for the maybe(s), now. Life as a mother and wife became somewhat harrowing. I craved excitement. I started going to nightclubs, at least once in a week. I had a capable nanny and my sons were safe in her care. I wasn’t stupid, I knew getting Chief as a husband was no mean feat. I knew I had to guard my marriage and all the perks that went with the office. I just wanted to drink, relax, dance, watch others dance and come home. But, I would be lying if I said I didn’t crave for the blood of a young , virile man. ...